Barton Fort Leavenworth offers flexible and diverse course options to make scheduling classes a breeze! LSEC classes are scholarship funded to Active Duty Military, Retirees, The Department of the Army/Department of Defense Civilians, their family members and the members of the National Guard & Reserve Components. Active Duty soldiers have priority. See below for a summary of each program option.
LSEC is designed to assist soldiers or their families to obtain opportunities to learn advanced skills needed for either higher-level leadership and staff positions or to further their educational goals. LSEC benefits the Army by providing the soldier specific training which will enhance soldier and unit performance. Unit Commanders can schedule training to meet unit needs or enroll the soldier in an open scheduled class. Learn more about the LSEC program and schedules.
College Programs
College Program classes are hybrid classes and are open to civilian and military students. College program classes have five cycles per year, each cycle is eight weeks in length. Courses meet one to two days per week and typically run 5:30-8:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Learn more about the College Program classes and schedules.
Barton Online
Barton Online provides you the opportunity to complete an Associate Degree online or a variety of Certificate Programs. Courses taken at other colleges and universities, plus any military and/or work experience, may be applied towards degree completion requirements at Barton Community College. A minimum of 15 credit hours are required from Barton for degree completion. Visit the Barton Online website to learn more about your options and to view schedule information.
Barton Safety
Barton is an OSHA Education Center and a member of the Midwest OSHA Education Centers Consortium, MOEC. Visit the Barton Safety website for more information and to check out the diverse training courses with fast-track scheduling.
Basic Skills Education Program classes are for military service members and are designed to enhance basic math, reading, and writing skills. They are available to family members on a space available basis. Classes meet Monday through Friday for four weeks in length with each class meeting for three hour sessions. Course can be designed to meet unit requirements. Learn more about the BSEP program and schedules.